Large-scale exhibition dedicated to Paul Neagu

Posted by Luminita

“Paul Neagu. A retrospective” is the first exhibition of such large scale dedicated to Paul Neagu (1938-2004), an artist of Romanian origin who lived and worked in London since 1971.

The exhibition is part of the “Cultural Program Timișoara 2023—European Capital of Culture” and presents a wide selection of drawings, objects, sculptures, documentation of some performances, as well as other related materials (artist books, sketchbooks, photographs) .Goldeen Cargo  provided full logistics and art handling services from several locations in Romania, UK, Austria and Liechtenstein, carefuly planning a safe and secure transit,  and ensured delivery deadlines were met.These high value sculptures were non-standard shapes and sizes, many of which were top-heavy. The old baroque building infrastructure, hosting the museum, made the handling of the crates very challenging. Nevertheless, our technicians manually manipulated the exebits with special care and attention, making sure that everything is safely placed in position. 

The movement of these high value goods was a demanding but satisfying project, which needed our expertise and experience to ensure they arrived back to their lenders in perfect condition.

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